Condition Summary

Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headache is a secondary headache, which means that it is caused by another illness or physical issue. In the case of cervicogenic headache, the cause is a disorder of the cervical spine and its component bone, disc and/or soft tissue elements.

Scoliosis explained

Scoliosis explained

Scoliosis is a common condition where the spine curves laterally loading up one to two aspects of the spine and causes muscles to shorten which can result in spasms. Julius explains about scoliosis, the cause, how to test for and the treatment involved with this type of condition.

Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome explained

Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome explained

A common condition we see at the clinic with people getting back into running or increasing training loads is Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome. This pain is a lateral knee pain caused from tightness through the ITB can cause all sorts of havoc for runners and cause muscle imbalances and joint dysfunctions throughout the body. 

ACL Injuries

ACL Injuries

Injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament is extremely common in sports which have a contact component or those that require quick changes in direction.  If you're interested the ACL, how it is injured or what you can do to avoid injury, this is the post for you.