
Acute Wry Neck

Acute Wry Neck

Neck pain is one of the world’s most common musculoskeletal conditions, and any pain in the neck lasting 6 weeks or fewer can be categorized as ‘acute’ neck pain. Around two-thirds of the population will experience neck pain at a given point in their life.

The Envelope of Function

The Envelope of Function

Recovering from injuries can be difficult.  Sports, Work Place or Post Surgical... rehab is a complex process aimed at maximising your envelope of function.  Follow the link if you'd like to learn more about how injuries effect performance.


Scoliosis explained

Scoliosis explained

Scoliosis is a common condition where the spine curves laterally loading up one to two aspects of the spine and causes muscles to shorten which can result in spasms. Julius explains about scoliosis, the cause, how to test for and the treatment involved with this type of condition.