The Health Paradox?

Many of us follow 'Insta-lebrities' on Instagram and are motivated to improve our lifestyles in a hope of replicating these desirable images in our newest activewear. Surely if we eat more superfoods, avoid sugars & carbs, exercise 7 days per week and liquify our foods whenever possible we will be well on the way to good health? This may be true for many of us who have trouble sticking to regimented lifestyles, however there is a growing number of people experiencing a new type of eating disorder termed 'Orthorexia'.

Orthorexia is defined as a 'fixation on righteous eating'1 or a fixation on food quality and purity. This emphasis can become increasingly restrictive and ultimately have a negative impact on one's health. Though Orthorexia Nervosa is not currently recognised as a clinical diagnosis by the DSM-5, the number of people that struggle with the symptoms associated with the term.

Does this mean if you like to put Goji Berries on your hand rolled oats you're Orthorexic?  
Certainly not! 

The awareness of such conditions and the potential dangers of obsessive healthy eating are important to keep an eye out for. As with all things in life, moderation is the key to keeping a healthy balance with your food and exercise habits. If you're unsure about find advice supported by the latest evidence, we recommend speaking to your Physiotherapist prior to starting a new exercise regime or your Dietitian for any recommendations relating to food intake. Nutritional advice from a trained and experienced professional can be invaluable... just remember that all Dietitians in Australia are Nutritionists, but not all Nutritionists are Dietitians 2 .

Would You Like To Hear More?

Lynne Malcom speaks with Psychologist Sarah McMahon who specialises in eating disorders and Jamie Campbell who was diagnosed with Orthorexia as a teenager.

Would You Like To Read More?

Olivia Willis writes an informative piece titled Clean Eating: the good, the bad and the unhelpful 

Looking For Help About Your Diet?

The Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) can help provide you with evidence based food advice or to find a practitioner near you

Do You Need Exercise Advice?

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) can be a great avenue to find a qualified Physio near you

Looking For Someone To Talk To?

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has a great resource to find a psychologist near you.